Wilma Wessels-Ziervogel has an MPhil in Program Monitoring and Evaluation (awarded with Distinction), a BA (Hons) in Organisational Psychology and a Certificate in Project Management. She has more than 12 years of consulting experience in the area of the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of development programs, nationally and internationally. During this time Wilma has conducted numerous evaluations, particularly in the area of early childhood development, children’s rights/protection and health. She has supported many organisations in the design of their M&E systems and provided capacity building for organisations locally and internationally. Wilma has an interest in the use of Monitoring and Evaluation for creating learning organisations. Wilma is a member of the South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association. Some of her experience includes:
Applied Research and Evaluation:
- International Confederation of Midwives (Project Manager) – Implementation and outcome evaluation of the Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding after Birth (HMS-BAB) and Helping Babies Breath (HBB) training program for midwives in Zambia and Malawi.
- Roger Federer Foundation (Project Manager) – Performance and Outcome Evaluation of the Growing to READ ECD program in rural South Africa. The program evaluated sort to provide capacity development support, provide ECE resources and facilitate partnerships within the communities targeted.
- Ikamva Labantu (Project Manager) – Performance and outcome evaluation of the experiential training program for Early Childhood Development practitioners in township areas (slums) in one province in South Africa.
- USAID Botswana (Project Manager) – Performance Evaluation of the Tsela Kgopo OVC and Gender Program, which included an ECD centre based and community based program.
- UNICEF Rwanda (Consultant) – Mapping of Early Childhood Development Services in Rwanda for with a focus on UNICEFs integrated ECD & Family model.
- Roger Federer Foundation (Consultant) – Baseline study in 5 communities in Botswana (mostly rural) that would be supported with early childhood educational support. The purpose was to collect baseline data on the availability and quality of ECD services, child development indicators and also community development indicators (e.g. economic, social cohesion, community support for education, etc.)
- Evaluation and program planning for an Infant and Young Child Feeding Program in. This program sought to provide training to health care professionals and workers on IYCF in the context of HIV (with a focus on exclusive breastfeeding).
- UNICEF Uganda (Consultant) – Operations Research on the functionality of Child Protection Systems in the North-Central, North-East and South West Sub-regions of Uganda.
- Kindernothilfe (KNH) (Project Manager and Consultant) – Summative evaluation of the effectiveness, impact and sustainability capacity building process on child rights for seven Special Schools in South Africa and Swaziland.
- USAID/Umbrella Grant Management Program (Project Manager and Consultant) – Evaluation of the Anglican AIDS Healthcare Trust’s Vana Vetu Program for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in South Africa.
Programme Design, MEL Systems:
Comic Relief (Learning Co-ordinator/Consultant) – Development of a Theory of Change and M&E plan for the Girls in Gangs Project. The project is implemented by a partnership between Usiko Stellenbosch, Ihata Shelter and the Ruben Richards Foundation, all of whom implement youth development programmes.
Amandla Development (Consultant) – Development of data collection tools, guidelines and capacity building for community based fieldworkers to collect organisational level data in Philippi, Cape Town.
Ikamva Labantu (Consultant) – Development of an M&E system for their Early Childhood Development and Seniors Programmes.
Women on Farms (Consultant) – development of an M&E system for their Woman and Health Programme.
Prison care and Support Network – Development of an M&E system for the organisation.
Capacity Building:
Capacity building in programme planning, monitoring and evaluation (using the logical framework approach and/or theory of change): SANBI, South African Institute for International Relations (SAIIA), Tshikululu Social Investment and its partners, RAPCAN, Expanded Public Works Programme and various public courses, PLAN international, UNFPA
Training in outcome mapping for: FOS, FNV (and its partners)
Training in Facilitation Skills: International Confederation of Midwives and various public courses
Organisational strategy:
Labour Research Services (Consultant) – Development of Strategic and Programme Plans.
Workers World Media Productions (Consultant) – Development of Strategic and Programme Plans.
Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (Planning Branch): Facilitating a Strategic Review and Reflection
National Department of Environmental Affairs, Working for Water Programme (Project Manager) – Developing a strategy and monitoring and evaluation plan for the Social Development Programme