Danielle completed her Master’s degree in Programme Evaluation with a first-class pass from the University of Cape Town. Her thesis was on the impact of a STEM secondary school in Khayelitsha, Cape Town. She graduated with an Honours Degree in Social Policy and Management from the University of Cape Town in 2013, after completing a BSocSci in Sociology and Social Development the year before. Danielle has worked as a project manager for over three years in a grass-root non-profit where she managed an after school education programme together with the Western Cape Premiers Office. After completing a one-year internship at Southern Hemisphere, Danielle joined as a researcher/evaluator in 2019.
Applied research and evaluations:
- Implementation evaluation for the Work4Progress Programme for Action Volunteers Africa (2018)
- Baseline study for the Lesedi-Letsatsi Project for DGMT (2018)
- Review of Phase 1 and 2 of the South African Cities Network’s Urban Safety Reference Group (2018)
- Impact assessment on community development in 56 communities in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe supported by the Roger Federer Foundation (2018)
- Appraisal of child care services for vulnerable children and adolescents in two province of Zambia for UNICEF (2018)
- Summative evaluation of Children Radio Foundation promoting youth civic engagement and advocacy to build safer communities through youth-led radio initiatives and community radio stations project (2019)
- Impact study of the Khaya Lam land reform project (2019)